
H1 heading

Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…
Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!

H2 heading

Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…
Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!

H3 heading

Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…
Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!

H4 heading

Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…
Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!

H5 heading

Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…
Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!

H6 heading

Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…
Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!

unordered list
  • 1 – 5 sessions per month     $69.00
  • 15 – 15 sessions per month     $59.00
  • 15 – 30 sessions per month     $49.00

ordered list
  1. Sessions per month     $69.00
  2. Sessions per month     $59.00
  3. Sessions per month     $49.00


Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…

Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!Samuel Hamilton

some other styles

Bold: Zumba® Fitness is for you, even if you haven’t exercised for long years before starting to attend our classes!
Italic: Zumba® Fitness is for you, even if you haven’t exercised for long years before starting to attend our classes!
Strike-through: Zumba® Fitness is for you, even if you haven’t exercised for long years before starting to attend our classes!
Link: Zumba® Fitness is for you, even if you haven’t exercised for long years before starting to attend our classes!
Inline Code: Zumba® Fitness is for you, even if you haven’t exercised for long years before starting to attend our classes!

centre aligned image

Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…
Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!


Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…
Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!

left aligned image

Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…
Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!

Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…
Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!

right aligned image

Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…
Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!

Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…
Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!

large image

Highly energetic, exotic and rhythm-inspiring music on par with fun and easy-to-repeat dance moves will challenge and enhance your fitness ability in ways rarely viable in a regular aerobics class or even a CrossFit class…
Zumba® basically takes regular workouts, takes everything boring about it, throws in some hip music and lively dancing to energize it and makes you actually enjoy your weight-losing or strength-increasing workout session any day!
